Useful phone numbers
Every number in Greece (landline or mobile) has 10 digits. When you are calling from abroad you have to add the country code for Greece +30 at the beginning.
Here you have some useful and emergency phone numbers for the area of Monemvasia and its surroundings.
Municipality of Monemvasia: 27323-60500
Monemvasia Municipal Turism Office: 27320-61777
Municipal Police: 27323-60576
Police Department Monemvasia: 27320-61210
Police Department Molaoi: 27320-22207
Police Department Neapoli: 27340-22211
Police Station Papadianika: 27320-82207
Fire Service Molai: 27320-23888
Fire Service Neapoli: 27340-22199
Port Authority Monemvasia: 27320-61266
Port Authority Neapoli: 27340-22228
Hospital Molai: 27320-22374
Health Center Neapoli: 27340-22500
Bus Service Monemvasia: 27320-61752
Bus Service Molai: 27320-22209
Bus Service Sparta: 27310-26441
Post Office Monemvasia: 27320-61231
Post Office Molai: 27320-22330
Post Office Neapoli: 27340-22211