Useful phone numbers in Monemvasia
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Useful phone numbers

Useful phone numbers

Every number in Greece (landline or mobile) has 10 digits. When you are calling from abroad you have to add the country code for Greece +30 at the beginning.

Here you have some useful and emergency phone numbers for the area of Monemvasia and its surroundings.

Municipality of Monemvasia: 27323-60500

Monemvasia Municipal Turism Office: 27320-61777

Municipal Police: 27323-60576

Police Department Monemvasia: 27320-61210
Police Department Molaoi: 27320-22207 
Police Department Neapoli: 27340-22211
Police Station Papadianika: 27320-82207

Fire Service Molai: 27320-23888
Fire Service Neapoli: 27340-22199

Port Authority Monemvasia: 27320-61266
Port Authority Neapoli: 27340-22228

Hospital Molai: 27320-22374
Health Center Neapoli: 27340-22500


Bus Service Monemvasia: 27320-61752 
Bus Service Molai: 27320-22209  
Bus Service Sparta: 27310-26441

Post Office Monemvasia: 27320-61231 
Post Office Molai: 27320-22330 
Post Office Neapoli: 27340-22211


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Contact Information

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Monemvasia, Laconia, Greece, Zipcode: 23070
Tel.: +30 27315 00125, mob. +30 693 978 0001
Fax:+30 211 800 2870

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